Casino Plex Review

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  • This was mostly due to the fact that the gambling sites back-offices weren’t 100 At Casino Plex that user-friendly, and it 100 At Casino Plex was hard to configure triggers for various types of bonuses. Today the technology has advanced a lot 100 At Casino Plex and casino bonus 100 At Casino Plex codes have almost become obsolete.
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The Pagat website was founded in 1995. Its aim is to document the rules of traditional card and domino games for the benefit of players who would like to broaden their knowledge and try out unfamiliar games. It takes its name from the Pagat, the lowest trump in the Central European game of Tarock.


Only one of the reviewers that works for regularly holds an account with Casino Plex and this has been open for less than 6 months. They report positive experiences.

Plex Server Review

The site is edited by John McLeod ( Please send me an email if you find any errors or have any comments or ideas for improvements, or if you would like to contribute something.

Casino Plex Review

I would like to thank the many readers from all parts of the world who have helped to develop and expand the site by sharing information about the games that they play. I would also like to thank the following partner sites for their help and encouragement:

Casino Plex Reviews


Plex App Reviews

The Norwegian language site, founded in 2012 and edited by Ingver Hansen, is a casino guide focussing mainly on slots.

Since 2014 Norges Casino, owned and operated by L&L Europe Ltd., has specialized in providing slots and other classic online casino games for the Norwegian market. was established in 2011 by Duncan Garvie to provide information to players about online gambling operators. They offer a dispute resolution service and a deposit guarantee for selected casinos. Their bonus rating system allows players to easily assess the value of a casino bonus based on their deposit and bet size.

The affiliate company Game Lounge Ltd was founded in 2011 by Jonas Cederholm and Fredrik Langeland and soon made a name for itself in the Scandinavian market. tests and reviews most Swedish licensed online casinos offering up to date lists of bonuses and offers.